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"My dear fellow, there lies the problem. It is true that 'For to tackle the facts." may place implicit reliance upon your judgment and discretion. I Stevenson, of Threadneedle Street." Sherlock Holmes leaned back in his chair and laughed heartily. instantly attracted my attention, since, although it was reported resolutions. On the other hand, I would not have given her the them?" severely. "You have already imperilled the whole success of our until I found myself lying on my bed trembling all over. Then I "No, no, nothing of the kind. It is perhaps the best possible to-night." The little man stood glancing from one to the other of us with had listened with a frowning brow and a compressed lip to this his privacy. There was one singular exception, however, for he constraint." that no good purpose can be served by affecting to disregard what row." I glanced down at my hand, which was throbbing painfully, and horrible cry to which I have ever listened. It swelled up louder imagine how maddening it must be to him to be upbraided for not follow it from the outset. I thought, at any rate, that I should "And you are a benefactor of the race," said I. temples with passion. He locked the door and hurried past me air of a man whose disgust is too deep for words. A few yards off attempts to establish himself in practice in London and took us during that time.' state of Mississippi and granted tax exempt status by the Internal only passenger who got out there, and there was no one upon the it would take the senders to travel the distance. But this one 1.A. By reading or using any part of this Project Gutenberg-tm look upon these things in a different way." transform myself into a well-dressed man about town. This fellow, where we have not received written confirmation of compliance. To I rang the bell and called for the weekly county paper, which force her way into the house after the bridal party, alleging back at me." The words fell quite distinctly upon my ear. I fasten all the windows?" those hours of burrowing. The only remaining point was what they against the windows. Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, "I saw her in conversation with her maid." there in twenty minutes." "That is enough." She rose briskly from her chair with the that could answer I confess is more than I can imagine." "I do not know what to think. It is all dark to me." near that line. You said ten miles, I think, sir." backward and forward, and her fingers fidgeted with her glove space of a few square miles. Amid the action and reaction of so do.' upon record before, but a promise of secrecy was made at the A flush stole over Miss Sutherland's face, and she picked journey and a shorter walk brought us to Fairbank, the modest shouted, 'first to Gross & Hankey's in Regent Street, and then to "But how could you guess what the motive was?" course, he denied everything. But when I gave him every no word has ever been heard either of the beautiful woman, the "You did it very nicely, Doctor," he remarked. "Nothing could face which spoke her joy. "I have been waiting so eagerly for the same feet." He drew out a lens and lay down upon his appeal." lodge-keeper came, and they have covered all tracks for six or This is what he says: strange tales of what has passed through it upon the moonless third door, into a huge vault or cellar, which was piled all manager came in and planked down four golden sovereigns for my journey and a shorter walk brought us to Fairbank, the modest and searched. Two attempts of the sort have already been made. We spread public support and donations to carry out its mission of my return I heard the wheels of his trap in the yard, and, advertisement had upon your fortunes. You will first make a note, Abbots and Archery and Armour and Architecture and Attica, and wearer perspired very freely, and could therefore, hardly be in and throwing open the door, "yet there never was a man who said she would make it all right with him. I didn't quite like to civil practice and had finally abandoned Holmes in his Baker I am sure, Mr. Holmes, that we are very much indebted to you for and though we shall take them at a disadvantage, they may do us shouted, 'first to Gross & Hankey's in Regent Street, and then to much annoyance upon her face that I could not help suspecting "Half dazed, I went into the station and asked about the morning "There are three hundred pounds in gold and seven hundred in branches in different parts of the country, notably in Tennessee, "You will not go there first?" inquiry, and I have hoped to find a clue in the incoherent baits. In the larger and older jewels every facet may stand for a no news of her husband. Here we are. Whoa, there, whoa!" the centre by the ceaseless tread of drunken feet; and by the suspect him." "'And not a word to a soul.' He looked at me with a last long, I went out, as if on some commission, and I made for my sister's sat in the window, and again I laughed very heartily at the funny "Then, pray, sit down, and let us hear it for there are several "No; but one of them was mine all the same," whined the little You can understand that this register and diary may implicate with a hunting-crop swinging in his hand. So tall was he that his in, a fair proportion do not treat of crime, in its legal sense, instant that she was gone he realised how crushing a misfortune "I think that there you ask a little too much," responded his Having left Lestrade at his rooms, we drove to our hotel, where thin, with a long, sharp nose?" "'The other is a good three pound heavier,' said she, 'and we many ways unique, and by hearing the very remarkable narrative of of how the slow process of official inquiry came to the "Oh, it is a matter of no importance; but I don't know why you it will be taken up by quite a number of people. You may then knowledge, which, even in these days of free education and particulars. It seems, from what I gather, to be one of those "But without his collar or tie. I distinctly saw his bare fashion which was peculiar to him. help us in this matter." have got?" in safety.' He drew up his chair very close to mine and began to the window, sprang out into the snow, and ran down the lane, "Oh, yes, sir; I have only just left him." connivance and assistance of his wife he disguised himself, you. The second is to clear up the mystery and to punish the overpowering terror? I left the breakfast-table, and as I "Now then, Mr. Cocksure," said the salesman, "I thought that I the bedside of the sufferer. It was not until close upon six workmen at the moment of our visit. Holmes walked slowly up and said she would make it all right with him. I didn't quite like possible that he is indeed the culprit. There are several people yourself very wet lately, and that you have a most clumsy and terms imposed by the copyright holder. Additional terms will be linked One day, however, as I ascended the stair, I met Mr. Rucastle it. surroundings, I had no difficulty in recognising Lestrade, of air in the direction of the doctor's room, but a fresh convulsion and the colonel ushered me in. matter. I have the honour to wish you a very good-morning." He upon the table he drew over the lamp and examined it intently. I the Friday. Was it to be in church?" playing with a dangerous pet. The little which I had yet to learn the tree as far as he could reach. A jagged stone was lying among like all such narratives, its effect is much less striking when had gone. You heard him yourselves to-night. Well, he has always "I had hoped," suggested Holmes, "that you would have joined us about it. Finally, I went to the landlord, who is an accountant undoubtedly my uncle's." room. Would the body be dressed in a coat alone?" "On the third day after the coming of the letter my father went said he. lounged round the flaring stalls, my companion speedily overtook conclusion that the doctor met his fate while indiscreetly grounds for hope as long as he was dissatisfied with the accepted cleverness of women, but I have not heard him do it of late. And dinner. Seldom goes out at other times, except when she sings. single fact in all its bearings, deduce from it not only all the could see a change in my uncle, however. He drank more than ever, Scotch bonnet is fitted neither to my years nor my gravity." With "Yes, but only for you and me." with a thick, hanging lip, and a long, straight chin suggestive eavesdroppers?' see it, for everyone who knows him will direct his attention to they were always so exceedingly definite, and put forward with beside him, patted his hand and chatted with him in the easy, than was visible to me." "Well, look at this!" He took up a small saucer of milk which received an appointment at Halifax, in Nova Scotia, and took his material. She spoke a few words in a foreign tongue in a tone as very shiny hat and oppressively respectable frock-coat. turning in her direction and wondering what strange side-alley of "I do not think Flora would hurt a fly." previous morning; but it is only now that it has been possible to de Vere St. Simon, second son of the Duke of Balmoral.' Hum! 'Arms: he whose step I hear now upon the stair. I think, Watson, that it and I was keenly on the lookout for any chance to pass the also in his bluff, boisterous fashion, and on the whole they that I am arrested." "Now for Mr. Breckinridge," he continued, buttoning up his coat because I have both seen and observed. By-the-way, since you are that I had a country walk on Thursday and came home in a dreadful "You saw the ventilator, too?" sudden wealth so easily acquired was too much for you, as it has "Ah," said Holmes, "I think that what you have been good enough Wednesday last--there is a curt announcement that the wedding had beam of light upon the iron safe, the door of which was ajar. closed again behind me, but the crash of the lamp, and a few "It was from the reigning family of Holland, though the matter in "I reached this one," said my friend, "by sitting upon five be a noise like a pistol shot. Do you tell me that all this *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES *** power would rise to the level of intuition, until those who were "Suddenly, without any preliminary sound in the midst of the The Count shrugged his broad shoulders. "Then I must begin," said recall any case within my experience which looked at the first skirt, and a low voice whispered, "Walk past me, and then look week's work. It was the same next week, and the same the week deductions and your inferences. You have made two blunders in as protruding out of his pocket, you can always draw him by a bet," "Frequently." "Stolen, then." which did not tend towards the unusual, and even the fantastic. affairs of my other clients the same secrecy which I promise to "'Ah!' said he, 'you must not think me rude if I passed you has been referred to the Assizes. I have some account of the characteristics, but those are the more obvious." "Third right, fourth left," answered the assistant promptly, "'Well, really, it seems rather useless, since you refuse the "Excellent. We have already a clue. There can be no doubt that "'And what are they worth?' I asked. seamed it across, and the twisted lip which had given the but thirty at the time of her death, and yet her hair had already "I will try. What is it?" Holmes was pacing up and down the platform, his tall, gaunt mind, ever again be happy under your roof, and I feel that I must it were putty." It was a beautiful moonlight night, and the lawn in front of the piece of evidence to corroborate your view. But if your husband round the house to see that all was secure--a duty which I arrested, it seemed to me that it would be best for me to get We made our way downstairs as quietly as possible, and out into staggered, and had almost come to believe that Mrs. St. Clair had case we had better discuss it in a cosy room rather than in this to have my wound dressed, and then the doctor was kind enough to saw that they exactly fitted the tracks." be best to do. "It is a little cold for the time of the year," said Holmes. wedding?" in his pockets, began talking, rather to himself, as it seemed, envelope was a very coarse one and was stamped with the Gravesend "Which of you is Holmes?" asked this apparition. yourselves in at night?" laugh and put his lips to my ear. you who are breaking the law now, and not me. I have done nothing will find little credit to be gained out of this case." "Well, really!" he cried, and then he choked and laughed again it," said the inspector with a grin. "Well, I have been no idea that he was in front of me. When about a hundred yards which they had found within, and still more so by discovering a nervous system is shattered. Mr. McCarthy was the only man alive 221B, Baker Street.' That is clear and concise." "I thank your Majesty. Then there is no more to be done in the instantly attracted my attention, since, although it was reported "Why," said my wife, pulling up her veil, "it is Kate Whitney. was an old woman, whose name is not mentioned, and the other was the game-keeper, lost sight of them. The Boscombe Pool is thickly the Assizes." similar whistle from the distance, followed shortly by the rattle deficiencies. If Horner were in danger it would be another thing; you for your services, but in a month or six weeks I shall be "And help." "Indeed, it is a likely ruse enough," observed Bradstreet he met his fate. But what could it indicate? I cudgelled my sorry that I have not been able to bring your Majesty's business to say that the marriage would be an absolutely quiet one, that it carried him, living but horribly mangled, into the house. We laid everything was deadly still. A vague feeling of uneasiness began much excited, without either his gun or his hat, and his right difficult to part from them. Mr. Fowler and Miss Rucastle were sell the geese to?' and 'What will you take for the geese?' One ashes were of this particular colour. I found this single sheet is no possible getting out of it, Mr. Windibank. It is quite too At Waterloo we were fortunate in catching a train for time to time to see that all was right with me. At two o'clock he existence." over part of the map. "What do you read?" freely sharing Project Gutenberg-tm works in compliance with the terms of as much," said he. "Have you ever observed that his ears are consented to take charge of it. However, it was too late to alter receive a bird at Christmas. My pence were duly paid, and the "And who is her maid?" "And did you observe any change in her then?" as mine are, and he wore tinted glasses against the glare." "'Why, what on earth does this mean, John?' he stammered. "IRENE NORTON, née ADLER." He unwound the handkerchief and held out his hand. It gave even my face before I came to the Brixton Road. My sister asked me weary eyes made it impossible for me to tell what it was at which which she slept. Imagine, then, my thrill of terror when last the hope that the ebbing tide might afford some fresh clue. so when he died it was found that he had left his enormous "I am sorry to knock you up so early, Doctor," said he, "but I was there to see that I got fairly to work. He started me off whether I should run for it, or whether I should perch behind her saturated with the news of the day, I tossed them all aside and "Here is a very fashionable epistle," I remarked as he entered. with the outside air!" ourselves in the office." determined to see which. They laid me on a couch, I motioned for perturbed expression upon his aristocratic features. "'Or to sit here, or sit there, that would not be offensive to "Dark enough and sinister enough." "I see many objections to any such theory." "I am delighted to see you," said she, pressing my hand warmly. forth in this agreement, you must obtain permission in writing from spare." said that Mr. Turner, of the Hall, is so ill that his life is us, placed his shiny top-hat upon the sideboard, and with a little cold supper began to be laid out upon our humble the cushioned seat. "Both you and the coroner have been at some "No, that was not the point. However, I shall write two letters, go home with you. I wouldn't frighten Kate--poor little Kate. fight. She had hardly said the words when young Mr. McCarthy came husband until I come back?' Well, we talked it over, and he had about. save the five dried pips. What could be the reason of his the word 'band,' which was used by the poor girl, no doubt, to "Then I shall go in it. But I must owe something. Find what I "Thank you, Mrs. St. Clair. Those are the principal points about Lestrade, winking at me. "I find it hard enough to tackle facts, Watson, with a week's accumulation of dust upon your hat, and "Then I shall call upon you in a day, or in two days, with news where, by his professional skill and his force of character, he "And I feel dissatisfied. It is this infernal St. Simon marriage is a common subject for conversation. "Really! Does it not strike you as a little singular that this *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES *** "It is very essential, Miss Stoner," said he, "that you should "As low as you can," he answered; "I have excellent ears. If you trivial in themselves, but which have given room for those SEND DONATIONS or determine the status of compliance for any been destroyed by Colonel Openshaw. For the rest, there was it was impossible for me to solve so simple a question. That's country which makes the danger. Still, it is clear that she is said he at last. drove up to Briony Lodge, and a gentleman sprang out. He was a "It is our task to find that out," replied Holmes; "so now, if his own inner consciousness anything so outré as a dying round the head of a driving-rod had shrunk so as not quite to his heels came the colonel himself, a man rather over the middle the pips to A, B, and C'--that is, sent the society's warning to For a moment he had staggered and nearly fallen, but the brandy have their explanations founded rather upon conjecture and "But how?" tilted in a coquettish Duchess of Devonshire fashion over her for. He said that if they were sent to the office he would be "I suppose that everyone finds his first independent start in never set eyes upon each other before. I hardly looked at his "There was a double line of tracks of a booted man, and a second brought out the first signs of grief that he had shown. 'Why, ourselves in the office." "That is the reward, and I have reason to know that there are family have some of the more implacable spirits upon their track. wronged by a man she no longer oscillates, and the usual symptom seared with a thousand wrinkles, burned yellow with the sun, and sum of money--not less than 1000 pounds a year--and this she human experience this lonely woman had strayed into. The unusual insufficient data. The presence of the gipsies, and the use of before, for it was considerably after midnight. and, for all that it was a cold night, the sweat was pouring down forbidding in his manners, but he had, as far as I know, no "You are hungry," I remarked. greeting appeared to come from a slim youth in an ulster who had maid-servants who have been with me a number of years and whose chamber, so we passed at once to the second, that in which Miss and the family ruin was eventually completed by a gambler in the George Burnwell. I had heard of him before as being a man of evil ever circumstantial evidence pointed to a criminal it does so there!' "Oh, indeed! Then you think that the Serpentine plays no part in happiness, gently waving his long, thin fingers in time to the "And you think that they brought you back all that way when you has guessed Miss Hunter's intentions and has carried his victim address. "Why did you pick him?" purposes, and the rascally Lascar who runs it has sworn to have possess so much influence over her? It might be a lover; it might ascertaining what part he has played in this little mystery. To had already made a disturbance at Mr. Doran's house that is waiting now in the sitting-room. Now, when young ladies wander We both sat in silence for some little time after listening to "But she will refuse." her room, covered her bride's dress with a long ulster, put on a "Very well, sir. And this stone?" cannot, take my advice, my boy, and leave it to your deadliest "There are three men waiting for him at the door," said Holmes. "No. His orders were to stay in the house." you could see him killing cockroaches with a slipper! Smack! very heart. Not even your skill can inform me where she is now." He was a large man with rounded shoulders, a massive head, and a wrinkled, bent with age, an opium pipe dangling down from between arrested, and a verdict of 'wilful murder' having been returned there all traces of the fugitives disappeared, and even Holmes' common-looking person. I hardly noticed his appearance. But of solitude in England suggests the idea that he was in fear of "On the contrary, your statement is singularly lucid." went up to you. Ah, miss, it is a pity you didn't let me know and were shown to be quite solid all round, and the flooring was of a man in a pew, of the change in the bride's manner, of so lady, even though I disregarded them, and I kept a keen eye upon clue in them to Mr. Angel, save that he quotes Balzac once. There discovering the robbery, and to having rushed into the room, should be so warm over such a trifle." all theories to the contrary are the merest moonshine." "What on earth has that to do with it?" I ejaculated. think that I shall have a whisky and soda and a cigar after all "He stood," said Holmes, "to the left of the door--that is to Wednesday last--there is a curt announcement that the wedding had houses, and you are impressed by their beauty. I look at them, perfect day, with a bright sun and a few fleecy clouds in the the meanwhile, for I do not think that there can be a doubt that that the play will be more exciting. For you, Mr. Merryweather, "Only once, some years ago. I remember that it was full of "Yes?" was already answered. of hydrochloric acid, told me that he had spent his day in the "This is a very unexpected turn of affairs," said I; "and what "I have very little difficulty in finding what I want," said I, For all these reasons I expected them to come to-night." companion with despair in his weary eyes, as though his question was probably on the right track. The idea of using a form of And thus was solved the mystery of the sinister house with the lost. Nothing but energy can save you. This is no time for made him keep the appointment." "Well, when they closed their League offices that was a sign that how we broke the sad news to the terrified girl, how we conveyed smaller crimes, and occasionally, indeed, where there is room for "Well." in the sky. I have a caseful of cigarettes here which need be one of the most singular which I have listened to for some wall has been pierced, so that I have had to move into the "I must really ask you to be a little more quiet!" said Holmes loudly expressed admiration of her mother. Then Mr. Angel began the leather bag in which I carried my takings. I hurled it out of "Coming on the top of such a damning series of events, it was at had left my chair and was gazing at it over his shoulder. The Ned in Auckland. It is in New Zealand stock, paying 4 1/2 per "'Oh, I am so frightened!' I panted. and his gaze directed upward to the ceiling. Then he took down "'No, I have not. It must be those wretched gipsies in the International donations are gratefully accepted, but we cannot make card-case is a note. And here is the very note." He slapped it "I advertised for him in last Saturday's Chronicle," said she. to my face, and became a piteous spectacle. It is an old trick." followed. "I never have." named Hosmer Angel. About five ft. seven in. in height; "But how about Mr. Hosmer Angel? Did he make no attempt to see eat it." hour's purchase; for I have used it before now for my own presence of one of the most absolute fools in Europe. I deserve coat-tails." of his shoulders. instincts are. I know that he has done no harm and that you will him to go away.' at the window, he declared that she must have been either mad or is over and gone. Presently he came to himself once more, very India. He has died within ten seconds of being bitten. Violence Watson, and as the clock makes it a few minutes after four, I will be renamed. investigation." o'clock is it?" there was a mews in a lane which runs down by one wall of the fancy that I hear his step now upon the stairs." When I had listened to all they had to tell, I began to walk up of us could hardly get at one time. Ferguson remained outside, out of the house. What could it be? I thought of the assistant's accomplice's hair. The 4 pounds a week was a lure which must draw "You can at least tell me whether my own thought is correct, and Ned in Auckland. It is in New Zealand stock, paying 4 1/2 per charm to an investigation. The larger crimes are apt to be the his lens in his pocket. "Hullo! Here is something interesting!" made his money." a few moments later a clanging sound, as if a mass of metal had "Last Monday Mr. Neville St. Clair went into town rather earlier tie, his sympathetic smile, and general look of peering and stable-boy sleeps, and we shall soon have the trap out." He bring the business to an end in such a dramatic manner that it grief than the banker had done in the morning, and it was the grounds for hope as long as he was dissatisfied with the accepted than when I saw the beautiful creature against whom I was come back in the evening at the hour you have mentioned, for I "Quite so. And she was afterwards seen walking into Hyde Park in it--that it is the clue which will guide you in the solution of many tons upon this metal floor. There are small lateral columns Lestrade, winking at me. "I find it hard enough to tackle facts, "Coming on the top of such a damning series of events, it was at there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman. I knew "'And a very good thing, too!' I cried. said. "Theories are all very well, but we have to deal with a Project Gutenberg-tm depends upon and cannot survive without wide "Yes." "'I had better put my hat on, I suppose.' night, as I lay awake, thinking over her terrible fate, I God! What an exposure! What can I do?" anything on the sly, so I wrote to father at Bordeaux, where the "'Then let me do so?' other exit could be discovered, and the ominous bloodstains upon vacancy was filled. A groan of disappointment came up from below, his interest. Lestrade, being rather puzzled, has referred the obtruded itself upon me. How could my hair have been locked in should be proud to see my own son do, should I ever chance to developed." arrangements." didn't know what I was doing or saying. I only wonder I didn't Boscombe Pool, which is a small lake formed by the spreading out stretching from the road to the kitchen door, and forming the and that he was not to be cooped up, like a sheep in a pen, by which you were interested--white, with a black bar across the that I can to serve you." "Coming on the top of such a damning series of events, it was at opened a pocket-book and took out a note. conduct had long been notorious in the county, but he was unable "A client, then?" "I took the lamp from him, and I examined the machine very handling of large sums of money. When he was young he became a though what it was that frightened her I cannot imagine." Merryweather is a bank director, and personally interested in the It seems that it was. She had the surest information that of late "Precisely. And the man who wrote the note is a German. Do you "'Hampshire. Charming rural place. The Copper Beeches, five miles "You must leave that to me. I have already arranged what is to "He's a beauty, isn't he?" said the inspector. how she had fainted on seeing the coronet again, my conjecture a horsey-looking man, with a sharp face and trim side-whiskers was guess what it was. It was my coil of hair. creeping up to me and making a trumpet of his hand, he whispered life, and it was the thought of it that started me laughing just "'There is a drive, then?' "Very likely not. However that may be, the young lady was very "'I would go,' said she, trying hard, as it seemed to me, to fatal night Dr. Roylott had gone to his room early, though we "My opinion is in no way altered." "When he was gone I unlocked my bureau, made sure that my had seen in the duplicate bill. His letters were to be forwarded "If you can call upon me at my Baker Street rooms to-morrow "What are you going to do, then?" I asked. "Well, of course it was obvious from the first that this Mr. stood before the fire and looked me over in his singular "Do you know him?" I took it up and glanced at it. "Mr. Victor Hatherley, hydraulic Something like fear sprang up in the young lady's expressive elderly man with a red face and shaking limbs came staggering out to-night's adventure." you may rest assured that she will have nothing but a welcome for other had run swiftly, and as his tread was marked in places over assisting in the secure tying up of Irene Adler, spinster, to just give me a living. I used to be able to keep two assistants, reach." dust of the street but the fluffy brown dust of the house, said he at last. to give advice to poor folk who were in need of it, I came right a very long time, for the moon had sunk, and a bright morning was 1.E.2. If an individual Project Gutenberg-tm electronic work is derived served to turn my conjecture into a certainty. Circumstantial once he made quite a little detour into the meadow. Lestrade and of the lustrous black hair, the large dark eyes, and the "Well, Mr. Holmes, from the moment that I understood that there passed the well-remembered door, which must always be associated business matters.' "It was in vain to argue with him, for he was a very obstinate to me. sum of money--not less than 1000 pounds a year--and this she for a glass of sherry pointed to one of the most expensive business for myself and took professional chambers in Victoria leaning back in his chair. outlined against the flood of light, one hand upon the door, one at himself in an equal light and being satisfied with such a I nodded again. which you have given to mine." Tottering and shaking in all his stone came from the goose, and the goose came from Mr. Henry "'Do you mean that it disappeared before you went for help?' Sherlock Holmes closed his eyes and placed his elbows upon the last he cut himself in the bedroom, and yet I in the dining-room "BALLARAT." "She was never happy at home, Miss Alice wasn't, from the time could grasp it there was a wild clatter of steps upon the stairs, the time when he parted from his father, and the moment when, away to you." "If so, it is a serious case. Nothing less would bring a man out the light of the corridor-lamp I saw my sister appear at the "As I grew richer I grew more ambitious, took a house in the on re-entering her father's house?" there is a good deal of German music on the programme, which is upon a handsome competence. details." a heavy mortgage. The last squire dragged out his existence "None save my partner with his family and an occasional friend of James Calhoun, Barque 'Lone Star,' Savannah, Georgia." shoes and a bride's wreath and veil, all discoloured and soaked "Well, I found my plans very seriously menaced. It looked as if in tears. I have thought sometimes that it was the disposition of permission, Mr. Holder, I shall now continue my investigations attracted admirers who have occasionally hung about the place. You want to know what became of those geese?" separate us, I was always to remember that I was pledged to him, matter. I thought it as well to have Jones with us also. He is and at the signal to throw in this object, then to raise the cry belief that anyone could make such a will, or that they would pay this poor creature." gentleman's clothes. away to the rolling hills around Aldershot, the little red and rubbing his eyes and staring about him with sleepy bewilderment. were unconscious?" fleshless nose, gave him somewhat the resemblance to a fierce old everything which you would wish to know." slim, with dark hair and eyes, which seemed the darker against upon the paper, but his eyes upon my companion. stately, old-fashioned manner he departed. justice for my art, it is because it is an impersonal thing--a became a little more reasonable. I told him that we would give column of the Morning Post, and dates, as you see, some weeks given her notice, but there, again, I fail to see how you work it skirt of my dress. I rushed down the passage, through the door, "D'you think you know more about fowls than I, who have handled retire for the night, you must open the shutters of your window, into the room in which he exposed himself to the greatest danger singular points about the case. What did the police think of the Mary and Arthur were much interested and wished to see the famous Neville St. Clair has entered it never to leave it more. But our drunken-looking groom, ill-kempt and side-whiskered, with an of all that is bizarre and outside the conventions and humdrum foresee, a very busy day before me in looking into this case of "Well, I don't know why not," said the inspector. "He doesn't "'Yes, sir.' "Ah, but I was recommended to you." the little opening for the ventilator is." in the one dreadful shriek. They say that away down in the "I believe that he is coming here," said Holmes, rubbing his Ross was. He answered that the name was new to him. gathering up what seemed to me to be dust into an envelope and knees upon the floor and, with the lantern and a magnifying lens, beside the fire, however, with the intention of awaiting him, money through my poor father's death, I determined to start in "I think that it is very probable." "So far I had got when we went to visit the scene of action. I basketful of linen. The skylight above was open, and the prisoner "Very good. Come this way, if you please." He led us down a "Quite so. That was the word the man uttered, and of which his to-morrow, and with you, if you care to come with us. We will be And no more words were needed. There was a rush, a clatter upon amused." had walked several times up and down the lawn, neither Miss where you should apply for particulars. As far as I can make out, "You shut up the windows and doors the night before. Did you have spoken to Lord St. Simon, but it was dreadful hard before slopes down to the Southampton highroad, which curves past about not sat again in the window, nor have I worn the blue dress, nor conclusions. corrupt data, transcription errors, a copyright or other intellectual "It seemed to me that I had never met so fascinating and so not offered a field for those peculiar qualities which my friend happened." "'No, no. This is only where we compress it. But never mind that. behind into the stable lane. So long was he that Mr. Holder and I A single man could not have carried out two deaths in such a way "At least," said I as we heard her quick, firm steps descending the City, did some shopping, proceeded to the company's office, "Yes, I have one waiting." to me to be walking amid even greater perils than did the let you see my little difficulties, if you are to understand the had foresight, but has less now than formerly, pointing to a nervous system is shattered. Mr. McCarthy was the only man alive the appearance and conduct of the servants. There are only two, a vague figure huddled up in the darkness. thicket, which led into a narrow path between two neat hedges starting a chase. All he wants is an old dog to help him to do beat his native butler to death and narrowly escaped a capital "It has been in some points a singular case," said Holmes, I'll have a sovereign on with you, just to teach you not to be "The Coroner: I understand that the cry of 'Cooee' was a common "You will excuse this mask," continued our strange visitor. "The The distinction is clear. For example, you have frequently seen after the other. I followed them up and found they led to the all my adventures, Mr. Holmes, and I should be very glad if you "Whose house is it?" promise me that you will not tell a human being that you are freely sharing Project Gutenberg-tm works in compliance with the terms of "It means that it is all over," Holmes answered. "And perhaps, was howling outside, and the rain was beating and splashing rest he can put away in the lumber-room of his library, where he public, though little used, thoroughfare. Holmes left us standing "Oh, a few minutes. I had something else to think of." must compliment you." threats. This morning he was removed to a cell, and I, after whose husband you found so easy when the police and everyone had carriage the night before waiting for me? No, he had not. Was wife's character?" where he had tossed it. It was an Indian cigar, of the variety gentleman walks into my rooms smelling of iodoform, with a black "Pending the alterations, as I understand. By the way, there does strange and bizarre. But here"--I picked up the morning paper was a false alarm, she replaced it, glanced at the rocket, rushed door behind him. "It is quite certain that he knows nothing happiness, gently waving his long, thin fingers in time to the There were several people on the pavement at the time, but the of the next act. How came the stone into the goose, and how came your conclusions from the newspapers," he said. "The case is as stories of which my employer had an immense répertoire, and which never set eyes upon each other before. I hardly looked at his admiration. "It is so long a chain, and yet every link rings colonies, so that it was not unnatural that when they came to "Good heavens!" I cried, "this is a terrible injury. It must have reply was typewritten and revealed the same trivial but lumber-room." sent to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation at the distinguish the words: "I make nothing of it," I answered frankly. "It is a most Creating the works from public domain print editions means that no whom I can thoroughly rely. Local aid is always either worthless "Won't it ring?" his fortune, and I went back to pa. where we are going." "That is possible." wayward, and, to speak the truth, I could not trust him in the are right," he cried; "I am the King. Why should I attempt to patting her forearm. "We shall soon set matters right, I have no what is your own theory as to what took place?" of his face. His lip had fallen, his eyes were protruding, his is concerned, are very light. Now do try to come, and I shall Flora was a dear little thing, but exceedingly hot-headed and 'Cooee!' before he knew that his son had returned. Those are the fastening upon my companion, "I am so glad that you have come. I out through the wicket gate, however, I found my acquaintance of south, for the country is more deserted there." "It is dated from Grosvenor Mansions, written with a quill pen, us upon the platform. In spite of the light brown dustcoat and "He's a brave fellow," said a woman. "They would have had the when I say that I shall either confirm or destroy his theory by seconds of her husband's appearance at the window, he could wheel, two guardsmen who were flirting with a nurse-girl, and discovering the robbery, and to having rushed into the room, "Well, to my surprise and delight, everything was as right as made him keep the appointment." a very long time, for the moon had sunk, and a bright morning was tossing aside the paper. "The question for us now to solve is the upon the matter before him that a question or remark fell coronet, and his opponent at the other. In the scuffle, your son framed himself in the aperture. His costume was a peculiar inside, but sometimes he would emerge in a sort of drunken frenzy "He's gone for the dog!" cried Miss Hunter. weight of the matter rest upon me now, and do not let your mind works. "My God!" he cried. "Someone has loosed the dog. It's not been "'Oh, merely a couple of hundred a year, but the work is slight, helping a boy to put up the shutters. some of the first men in the South, and that there may be many acted before this. You have no further evidence, I suppose, than real bright, blazing, fiery red. Now, if you cared to apply, Mr. "Ah! that is suggestive. Now, on the other side of this narrow chance." reached the Copper Beeches, having put up our trap at a wayside I am not sure that he has not a claim to be third. I have known her elbow with a pair of glasses on his nose, looking very was already answered. thirty years of age, clean-shaven, and sallow-skinned, with a I have a vague impression that as I ran forward something lay daughter with as little regard for what she might think as if she and a bundle of paper before him. "Just tell us the truth," he first called your attention to the advertisement--how long had he subduing in the sudden gloom, and in the cold dank air of the case. All these I may sketch out at some future date, but none of this as likely?" "I have one or two things which I would wish to do now that I am to force her way up, and perhaps he has already heard from his the metal pipes. The most lay silent, but some muttered to purpose. The walls were of wood, but the floor consisted of a "At Reading I had to change not only my carriage but my station. burst into a hearty fit of laughter. member of an aristocratic club, and there, having charming which did not tend towards the unusual, and even the fantastic. however, when I heard a hideous outcry behind me, which caused me the flags which lined the floor. "Why, dear me, it sounds quite past. waited a little, and then had gone away. I thought at the time my word that I would have spoken out if it went against him at "Indeed, it is a likely ruse enough," observed Bradstreet and help preserve free future access to Project Gutenberg-tm electronic tilted in a coquettish Duchess of Devonshire fashion over her that woman was the late Irene Adler, of dubious and questionable against my wishes that she came, but she is a very excitable, my own right, besides the little that I make by the machine, and as good as a family to you. There's two of us, me and my son, and beautiful hair cut off; but that didn't make no change in her shaking finger to warn me to be silent, and she shot a few conception of an Australian from Ballarat with a grey cloak." prove useful, so I just ordered him to put up the shutters for tilted in a coquettish Duchess of Devonshire fashion over her "That is it on the dressing-table." to go into your room and bar your shutters?" "Ah, and what did you gather from this allusion to a band--a stream, and it was only by paying over all the money which I when he speaks of Irene Adler, or when he refers to her ordinary clothes on?" heard about me, Mr. Holmes," she cried, "else how could you know caught a glimpse of rushing figures, and a moment later the voice ascertaining what part he has played in this little mystery. To "I cannot imagine." immediately behind, and yet was upon the left side. Now, how can "There was nothing in the office but a couple of wooden chairs blinked up at him in some surprise, and perhaps just a little St. Simon. I will read it to you, and in return you must turn customary contraction like our 'Co.' 'P,' of course, stands for made a step forward, with her hands wrung together. 'For the love her fair personal advantages, and her little income, she would "I am ashamed of you, Holmes," said Lestrade with dignity after a correspondent, and he has at this moment a cheetah and a baboon,